West Plains Economic Development Corporation holds monthly meeting

West Plains Economic Development Corporation (WPEDC) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 09, at the West Plains Public Library.

As part of the meeting, West Plains Economic Development Director, David Bossemeyer, provided report on the following topics:

Bridal Expo

The financial reports were reviewed.  A motion and second was made to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.

Economic Development Director Report:

  • Members were provided the current mission and role of EDC
  • Several inquiries have been received for potential site location. They range from food supplement, machine and metal manufacturing to equine rehabilitation. The equine rehab is seeking a large horse ranch. They have been given an option.
  • Real Estate inquiries: Show Me Tools has closed there is an interested buyer in this building and the one north of it, both are owned by the same owner.
  • Harbor Freight and Birks Outlet are now hiring with a desired open date of 5/1/21. Latest opening date will be 6/1/21.
  • Southern Hills Shopping Center Update: they are currently re-platting parcels/identifying infrastructure needs, the building that housed Donahue auction has been demolished, the former Sears building will be demolished next. Two potential clothing stores have expressed intent and are evaluating the market.
  • Farmer’s Wife Dispensary will open 04/19/21. The second dispensary will be located in the old Fastlane and is now undergoing remodel.
  • Lighthouse: Monthly emails had a 22% open rate with three requests for more information.
  • Caterpillar will be adding twenty-five additional jobs within the next six months.
  • Golden Shovel: Members received the updated exploratory worksheet. They were encouraged to send Dave additions. The video is scheduled for production late May 2021.
  • EDC Newsletter: Members were asked to submit any contributions to him for publication in April.
  • Confidentiality Agreements: Members signed their annual agreement.

Other business conducted by the Executive Board included: 

  • Committee Updates:
    • Tourism/Marketing: John Plummer stated he will be convening this committee with the goal of reviewing/updating their areas of interest and goals.
    • Workforce Development: Tom Stehn stated the same need.
    • Beautification and Housing: No report. Chair not present. Dave Bossemeyer reported the city planner and nuisance officer have offered to present to the committee regarding obstacles for removal/clean up of dilapidated buildings. Dave was directed to contact Reid Grigsby, committee chair to relay this information.
    • Fundraising: Members will be working with Teo to re-format financial reports to show budget vs actual. Myles informed there is a grant opportunity in the economic stimulus package to secure funding for development of a manufacturing incubator. SCCOG will be submitting an application for $1.4 million with the goal of building a 26,000 facility. Applications are due in June.
  • City Agreement: Ryan informed that the agreement was approved by City Council at their most recent meeting with one revision. The agreement term was reduced to one year. A motion and second was made to accept the agreement as revised.
  • Strategic Plan: Ryan informed he would like to focus on revising the current strategic plan and extending the scope of it to include long term planning. He provided an example he obtained from Pittsburg, KS. Myles informed he also has an example from Mountain Home. There was discussion of a need to work with other organization that focus on development to potentially collaborate on a master plan for the city. Myles will locate a report from past consultant identifying organizations that should be included and provide to Ryan. This item will be further discussed at April meeting.

Anyone interested in serving on one of the committees may contact Tom Stehn at the West Plains City Hall or Myles Smith at Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative.  

The West Plains Economic Development Corporation, was formed as a public/private partnership to boost the economic development prospects in the area. The board consists of representatives from the business sector, the community, and the City of West Plains – all of whom will work closely with Dave Bossemeyer on economic development projects for the area.

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