West Plains Economic Development monthly meeting held

West Plains Economic Development Corporation (WPEDC) held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at the West Plains Public Library.

As part of the meeting, West Plains Economic Development Director, David Bossemeyer, provided report on the following topics:

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

The financial reports were reviewed.  A motion and second was made to accept the financial report.  Motion passed.

Economic Development Director Report, given in brief by Ryan Cundall:

  • Golden Shovel: Script development is still in progress. A tentative date for shooting the video is June 2.
  • Radio Promotion Proposal: discussed briefly regarding target audience and intention. No action taken.

Other business conducted by the Executive Board included: 

  • Committee Updates:
    • Tourism/Marketing: Committee is assisting with video production. It was suggested that Cody Dalton be contacted to inquire about federal funding for eco-tourism.
    • Workforce Development: No report. Chair not present.
    • Beautification and Housing: No report. Chair not present
    • Fundraising: Myles informed that one donation has been received since campaign kick-off. He asked that members ramp up efforts to contact potential donors. Potential federal funding and grant opportunities were discussed. SCCOG and Work Force Investment board will be contacted.
  • Strategic Plan: Ryan has met with Dave on direction for development. Also, Heather Fisher may be a potential source for assistance. Ryan informed that he asked Dave to include initiatives that result in financial viability of WP EDC by grants and government funding as opposed to donations.
  • Job Fair: Members discussed offering an area job fair in July. The job fair would be an opportunity for area businesses that are hiring to showcase their business. Lori Wilson stated school facilities could be utilized. Proposed dates are between July 15-31. Lori to check summer maintenance schedules and propose a date

Anyone interested in serving on one of the committees may contact Sam Anselm at the West Plains City Hall or Myles Smith at Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative.  

The West Plains Economic Development Corporation, was formed as a public/private partnership to boost the economic development prospects in the area. The board consists of representatives from the business sector, the community, and the City of West Plains – all of whom will work closely with Dave Bossemeyer on economic development projects for the area.

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