West Plains Food Truck Festival Begins Next Week

West Plains, MO. – Explore West Plains and the West Plains Civic Center recently posted the upcoming dates for the West Plains Summer Food Truck Festival.

The Food Truck Festival will be every third Thursday of each of the summer months. The dates are June 20th, July 18th, August 15th, and September 19th. The hours for this will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

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This festival consists of food trucks set up on the lawn of the West Plains Civic Center as a fun way for the family to spend time together and a way to get people to come to downtown West Plains. 

If you are an owner of a food truck and are interested in being a part of the great fun in downtown West Plains call the West Plains Civic Center at 417-256-8087 and ask for Eryn Walters or email Eryn.Walter@WestPlains.gov.

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