West Plains High School to Celebrate a Day Without Hate – Community Invited To Participate by Wearing White on Friday, April 29

West Plains, MO. – The West Plains High School will celebrate a Day Without Hate (DWOH) on Friday, April 29. Day Without Hate is a student-led organization that promotes nonviolence, unity, and respect in schools.  

Following the shootings at Virginia Tech, students at Standley Lake High School asked classmates to wear white to show a commitment and trust in each other to make their school a safer place. The day was an overwhelming success. Since then, students from across the nation have taken this positive day to their communities.

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The West Plains High School student council is providing a Day Without Hate t-shirt for high school staff to wear on April 29 and 150 t-shirts to be given out to students during lunch throughout the week. The WPHS student council invites the entire community to participate by wearing white on Friday. 

The high school will also participate in a hallway decorating challenge. The entire high school has been divided into teams by hallways and given $100 by the student council to purchase white decorations to decorate the hallways. The hallways will be judged, and a winner will be announced at the end of the day.

The West Plains Middle School, Students Working at Transition (SWAT), and the Zizzer Pride Academy (ZPA) are also participating in a Day Without Hate with t-shirts, wearing white, positive messaging, a wall of promises, Just Dance, and pickleball competitions.

The West Plains High School is proud to designate April 29 as a Day Without Hate. The day will involve students and staff in activities and events that promote inclusion, community, respect and celebrate diversity. By encouraging students to be tolerant, friendly, and kind and teaching them that there are non-violent solutions to problems, we can hopefully create a better world as a community. To learn more about this program, visit www.daywithouthate.org.

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