West Plains Man Arrested by Howell County Sheriff’s Office for Property Damage, Stolen Vehicle

West Plains, MO. – A West Plains man has been arrested for stealing a vehicle. Brad A. Davis was arrested following an investigation that began on May 17, 2022. Brad A. Davis of West Plains was arrested and placed on a 24-Hour Hold Pending Formal Charges for Stealing a Motor Vehicle. A probable cause statement was forwarded to the Howell County Prosecutor’s Office.

Deputies with the Howell county Sheriff’s Office were investigating a report of property damage on County Road 6920 on Tuesday. A farm gate had been badly damaged by a vehicle striking it. A search of the area revealed a possible suspect and information on a vehicle that been stolen from West Plains on May 16, 2022. 

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After obtaining the suspect and vehicle information, an investigation into the possible suspect, identified as Brad A. Davis, and possible stolen vehicle was conducted. Acting on information obtained during the course of the investigation, Deputies located and recovered the stolen vehicle; a 1990 Ford F-150. The vehicle was located at the property formerly known as Mobile City and was concealed in an area of dense foliage. The pickup had been reported stolen from a residence in the City of West Plains on May 16, 2022. Deputies also located and arrested Davis in close proximity to the stolen vehicle.

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