West Plains Middle School Art Class Celebrated By McDonalds

West Plains, MO. – On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, local McDonald’s owners Andy and Marc Vaini visited the West Plains Middle School Art Class.

The West Plains Middle School had done a special project in art class with their teacher, Mrs. Mary Grisham. The project was for the children to take toilet paper and create realistic food. 3 children in the class had created their favorite McDonald’s food replicas out of paper. To celebrate and appreciate the children’s representation of McDonald’s food the owners of our local McDonald’s surprised the class with Chicken McNuggets, smoothies, and McDonald’s food vouchers. They also brought along a donation of $500 for the kids’ art class. 

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The children got to party with their favorite foods that they replicated for their art project. 





Here are the food replicas that the kids made to represent McDonald’s foods.

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