West Plains: Ozark Heritage Welcome Center installs new mural, contest underway

The Ozark Heritage Welcome Center recently installed a 16-foot vintage postcard mural on the outside south wall of the Welcome Center. The mural features photographs taken in West Plains and the surrounding area, the Missouri state bird, and the Missouri state tree. The mural was designed by Melissa Smith, tourism coordinator for the City of West Plains.

A contest celebrating the new mural is open to the public. Simply stop by the Welcome Center and take a selfie or group photo with the mural and post it on the Welcome Center’s Facebook page. Everyone who submits a photo will be entered in a random drawing for a $100 prize package. The drawing will be held on Tuesday, February 16 and the winner will be announced on Facebook.


The Ozark Heritage Welcome Center is located at 2999 Porter Wagoner Blvd. in West Plains. The Welcome Center features a gift shop with West Plains apparel and crafts by local artisans, a display of memorabilia of famous West Plainsians, and free travel brochures and maps. Call the Welcome Center for more information, 417-256-8835.


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