West Plains PD Prepare for 40th Annual National Night Out

West Plains, MO. – The West Plains Police Department recently has been preparing for the 2023 National Night Out, which marks their 40th year of participation.

National Night Out is a night designated to spread awareness on crime and drug prevention and is intended to help support anti-crime efforts within a community. In addition, this event helps local law enforcement grow to connect with their local residents, and vice-versa.

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To take part, individuals are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights, and spend the evening outside with their neighbors and law enforcement, and many people within the community will be holding block parties and other gatherings to coincide with the event.

If you or someone you know are hosting an event, you or they should fill out a form to notify the West Plains PD so they can mark it as an ongoing event as a part of National Night Out. Find the form at the Police Station, or by clicking the link here. 

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