West Plains Regional Animal Shelter Schedules Their Annual Silent Auction & Dinner

West Plains, MO. – Dennis Hammen with the West Plains Regional Animal Shelter spoke with Harlin Hutchinson during his morning show about their yearly event, the Silent Auction & Potluck Dinner. Hammen talks about plans for food, entertainment, and a good time for all involved.

The scheduled date for this event is December 3rd, and all proceeds will be going toward the West Plains Regional Animal Shelter and their current projects.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

Dennis also teased the idea that a big project for the community is in the work sat the Shelter, and that they’ll be needing the help of citizens to see it to  fruition.

To ask for more information on this event, or how to donate & help out the shelter, call them by dialing (417) 256-8438

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