West Plains reroutes street near Ozarks Healthcare due to Safety Concerns

WEST PLAINS, MO – Due to an increased concern for patient safety, The City of West Plains will be rerouting a portion of Eighth Street next to Ozarks Healthcare near the Emergency Department and Women’s Center starting Monday, June 12. While access to all parking lots will remain the same, through traffic will be routed away from patrons seeking care.

“Ozarks Healthcare and the City of West Plains continue to partner to provide necessary resources to the community,” Sam Anselm, City of West Plains Administrator, said. “While this is yet another change, this decision was vetted through city officials, community members, and roadway experts.”


“This change will provide a safer environment for patients, visitors, and staff who are seeking emergency care through our Women’s Center and Emergency Department,” Jo Wagner, Ozarks Healthcare Compliance Officer, said. “The health and safety of our patients are always our number one priority. With the increase in patients accessing these services, cross-traffic has become a barrier. We are thankful that the community is welcoming this change.”

Construction to the street will take approximately three weeks. Once the construction concludes, Ozarks Healthcare will place large wayfinding signs around its campus to help patients find parking and entrance locations.


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