West Plains School District board update

The West Plains School District Board of Education met in its regular monthly meeting February.

Below is a recap of the meeting:

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

Capital Improvements Update
Dr. Davis gave an update on current projects, including the ZPA gymnasium currently being remodeled by the SCCC carpentry students. He updated the board on the former culinary arts classroom transformation to a special education classroom.

2021-2022 School Calendar – 2nd Read
The board conducted a second read and approved the 2021-2022 district calendar. The calendar is very similar to the current year calendar using corresponding dates. The 2021-2022 calendar can be found online at zizzers.org under Parent Resources.

MSBA Board Appreciation
The week of February 14-19 was declared School Board of Education Recognition Week by Governor Parson. Dr. Wilson expressed her appreciation to each board member and gave them a Zizzer branded rain jacket. Each board member also received special cards and gifts from each building in the district.

Set Tuition Rate – First Read
Each year, the board establishes a tuition rate to be charged for non-resident students attending the school district (primarily the high school). Tuition is charged for these students because the funding for non-resident students is sent to the school district in which they reside rather than the West Plains School District that they attend. Tuition billing is how the district recoups the costs associated with educating non-resident students. During a first read on the tuition rate for the 2021-2022 school year, the board reviewed a proposed annual tuition rate for non-resident high school students of $8,514.08 per student, which is an increase of $405.43, or 5 percent, over the previous year’s rate of $8,108.65. The calculation is based on a recently revised state statute for calculating tuition, which replaces the previous formula. The board will review the tuition at the March board meeting.

Early Learning Education
Dr. Ross gave an update on early learning education plans for the 2021-2022 school year. ECSE, PAT, Federal Programs, and Preschool have been placed under one umbrella to use monetary resources more efficiently while meeting students’ needs. Registration for preschool and kindergarten will be held in a joint effort with Ozark Action Head Start on Friday, April 9. Additional details will be available soon.

Summer School
The board approved the K-8 curriculum Summer Journey for summer school 2021. Summer school is set for June 1-25. Registration information will be available soon.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Wilson updated the board on the state board of education meeting, she discussed current enrollment numbers, and asked each building principal to give an update.

Ryan Hammock – High School Custodian
Cody Mazingo – High School Custodian

Transfers: 2020-2021 School Year
Mary Howell Brown – High School Special Education Teacher to Special Education Process Coordinator
Amy Hall – WPE Kindergarten teacher to WPE 2nd grade teacher
Tamara Phay – WPE Preschool teacher to WPE 2nd grade teacher
Whitney Orchard – High School counseling to high school special education
Michelle Henderson – Middle School science to high school special education science


Dr. Luke Boyer – Assistant Superintendent
Somer Boyer – Special Education Process Coordinator
Kate Carter – South Fork Custodian
Jodie McKinney – Central Office Secretary (Retirement)
Dan Taylor – Coach
Jasmine Evins-Roberts – Special Education Paraprofessional
Jake Epler – High School ELA Teacher

The next board meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2021, at the West Plains Elementary.
School board meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise posted.

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