West Plains Walmart Manager Trent Cockrum talks clean-up, re-opening, and safety

West Plains, Mo. – The faint smell of smoke from an electrical fire met me at the door to West Plains Walmart as I was greeted by the store manager, Trent Cockrum, on Monday afternoon. The inside of the grocery side of the store looked vastly different than before the Christmas Holiday. Clear plastic covered empty store displays that would normally carry fresh vegetables and fruits, shelves had been cleared of baked goods from the stores’ bakery, and a wall of heavy plastic, stretching floor to ceiling, sectioned off all areas except grocery, health & beauty, and pharmacy departments. 

Officials with the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) had been onsite Saturday, December 25, and stated the store was clear of toxins that could harm staff or customers, Cockrum told Ozark Radio News in our visit to the building. “We have brought in more than 100 people to help with disaster relief and cleaning” Cockrum stated, “A full re-opening could take 12 to 14 days”. Deep cleaning of the store, tied with the arrival of replacement merchandise, will help determine the speed at which departments will open.


While many of the items in the store will be replaced over time as new shipments arrive, winter clothing items will be not replaced on shelves. The spring selection of clothing is set to begin arriving in early January to replace winter items. Sections of the store are planned to re-open as sections are cleaned. The plan is to re-open sections  between main aisles as they are cleared of contaminants like smoke residue.

The West Plains Walmart will re-open with merchandise limited to groceries, health & beauty products, and pharmacy on the morning of Wednesday, December 29, 2021.

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