White River Valley Electric Donates $102,000 This Year in Scholarships

Many area students have benefitted from a White River Valley Electric Coop program called Operation Round-Up, and the latest scholarships have brought the total value up to $102,000.

The latest two students to receive scholarships from this program are Grayden Rowbotham, a Gainesville student, and Robin Schofield of Lutie. Each of these students received $1,500 in scholarships.

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This program, which has been ongoing for over 30 years, takes donations from individuals who pay their electricity bills by rounding up to the next highest dollar. Every individual who is a member of White River Valley Electric is automatically enrolled in the program but can opt out of it at any time.

A complete list of this year’s recipients can be found by going to the website Whiteriver.org, or by clicking the link here. 

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