The Willow Springs Board of Alderman met in regular session Thursday, January 21, at Willow Springs City Hall.
Present: Mayor Brooke Fair, Alderman Danny Bradley, Alderman Susan Rackley, Alderman Troy Yonker, Alderman Phill Knott, City Administrator Beverly Hicks, Deputy City Clerk Gena Brook, Administrative Assistant Heather Duddridge, City Attorney Zane Privette, City Marshal Bryan Hogan, Assistant Police Chief Wes Ellison.
Guest: Amanda Mendez, Eric Duddridge, Berlin Batesel, Tom White, Greg Prough.
Announcement of Quorum: Deputy City Clerk Gena Brook called the roll. Alderman Phill Knott was absent.
Mayor Fair opened the January meeting of the Board of Alderman at 5:05 pm with a quorum present.
City Administrator Beverly Hicks requested a change in the agenda to add Court Clerk Appointment as item C under New Business.
Motion by Alderman Bradley, seconded by Alderman Rackley to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 3-0.
Alderman Phill Knott joined the meeting at 5:18 pm.
Motion by Alderman Yonker, seconded by Alderman Bradley to approve the Consent Agenda which included Approval of Minutes – (RM 12/17), Approval of Bills for Payment, Receipt of Financial Reports, and YMCA, Department Head’s & Board’s Reports. Motion carried 4-0.
City Pool Update: City Administrator Beverly Hicks stated that Westport Pools has been working at the city pool since October 2020. There were 5 leaks located and repaired. The pump also needs repair, which has already been included in the project budget. The City has expended approximately $37,000.00 to date and there is approximately $82,000.00 remaining for repair of the pool liner. Hicks also stated that the City has saved approximately $10,000.00 on this project by using its own manpower. The City plans to have the pool ready for opening Memorial weekend.
Storm Siren Repair Update: City Administrator Beverly Hicks informed Council that the storm sirens had a tone interference from a separate agency, which caused the sirens to be set off unexpectedly. Upon contacting Blue Valley Public Safety (BVPS) in Blue Springs, MO, they were able to provide the City with a quote for repairs, including upgrades to the current system. According to Hicks, an upgrade to our current siren system would allow the City to set off the sirens remotely by mobile phone or automatically based on warnings that are issued by the National Weather Service. The cost for this upgrade would be approximately $9,000.00, which would include a new license through the FCC for a new tone. Hicks stated that this upgrade could potentially help resolve separate issues that the Fire Department has experienced with interference from another agency as well. BVPS has given an approximate 2-3 week timeline for the installation of the upgrades. Hicks requested a vote from Council to proceed with the repairs and upgrades.
Motion by Alderman Rackley, seconded by Alderman Knott to approve the repair and upgrades to the current storm siren system. Motion carried 4-0.
Airport Hangar Property: Tom White and Berlin Batesel from the Airport Board were present. Batesel stated that a local pilot had approached the Airport Board requesting permission to build a private hangar on City property. White stated that the Airport Board had approved the construction of this private hangar, which would be located Southeast of the City hangars. City Administrator Beverly Hicks stated that all City hangars are currently full and there have been no discussions to build more. Hicks also stated that the pilot would need to provide site plans, including building size, location, etc. Hicks received information from the Missouri Department of Transportation Aviation Section that completion of an FAA Form 7460-1 is required prior to construction of a new hangar or alterations made to existing hangars. Berlin Batesel reported that the pilot wishes to install a 12-foot door and an all-concrete floor. Tom White reported that the Airport Board views the new construction as an asset to the airport.
Alderman Rackley stated that she was not able to vote on this issue until she was able to conduct research, take a tour of the airport, and see the potential construction site. She inquired how much the City charges for leasing City hangars. Hicks stated it is $200.00 per year and Alderman Rackley suggested raising that amount.
Council agreed to set a time for a tour of the airport prior to voting on this issue.
City Clerk and Court Clerk Appointment: City Administrator Beverly Hicks stated that prior to Alicia Worley’s departure from the City, she had begun training Administrative Assistant Heather Duddridge as her replacement. Hicks stated that Duddridge had been working in the positions of City Clerk and Court Clerk since Worley’s departure on December 11, 2020. Hicks made a recommendation to appoint Duddridge as both City Clerk and Court Clerk.
Motion by Alderman Knott, seconded by Alderman Bradley to appoint Heather Duddridge as City Clerk and Court Clerk. Motion carried 4-0.
Deputy City Clerk Gena Brook gave the oath of office to Heather Duddridge.