Winners of Annual Harlin Museum Photography Show Announced

West Plains, MO – The Harlin Museum would like to announce the winners of the twelve awards for their 2021 Photography Show, which will be on display in the museum’s Hathcock Gallery through Sunday, May 30th.

The winner of the award for Best of Show goes to the entry titled Remember When, a tenderhearted portrayal of a joyful elderly couple taken by Anna McGee of West Plains, MO.

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In the monochromatic photography category (includes black & white, sepia-toned photos, etc.) , 1st place has been awarded to Kelli Albin of Dora, MO for her black & white photo of a shadowed cat behind a curtain, titled Gracie Mae. The 2nd place award goes to an interesting shot of an unfocused landscape beyond the intricate scrollwork of a door, titled Thru The Front Door, taken by Larry Schott of West Plains, MO, and the 3rd place monochromatic category award goes to Mugshot, a silhouette-like side view portrait of a handsome black dog, printed in black and greyish-silver hues by Vicki Warren-Martin of West Plains, MO.

The color photography category awards begin with 1st place for The Light Always Finds Away In by Marc Brannan of West Plains, MO, a photo of the inside of a barn with the light of day streaming through between the boards. 2nd place has been awarded to Dogwood, a lovely, crisp, and understated photo of a backlit dogwood branch sitting in a vase, taken by Ann Kulpa of Cabool, MO. 3rd place goes to a photo taken by Fawn Cockrum of West Plains, MO titled Tommy, a portrait of a gentle, smiling older man with kind eyes. The color photo category also includes two Honorable Mention awards, both of which go to Larry Schott of West Plains, MO—one for his photo of a vibrant flea market sign that has seen better days, titled Flea Art, and for his photo The Tree, showing a bare-branch tree-top under a dominant blue winter sky.

And, in the final category, altered photography, 1st place has been awarded to Mike Siesel of West Plains, MO for his photo Yellow House, a photo of the local cultural center that has been enhanced using photo editing software to look as if it were a sketch created using ink and watercolors. Sean McCormick of West Plains, MO took 2nd place for his altered photo of a pocket watch, titled across the watch face with the same title as the photo, Take Time To Love. And, 3rd place goes to Vicki Warren-Martin of West Plains, MO for her photo titled Maestro, a photo of a long-limbed greyhound with edited shadows and highlights to enhance and focus on the form of the dog’s shape.

The winner of the final award of the show, the People’s Choice Award, will be decided when voting ends at 2pm on Sunday, May 30th. Visit the museum or check out the Harlin Museum’s FB page to cast your vote (just look for the 2021 Photography Show photo album and click “Like” on your favorite to vote).

The Harlin Museum is located at 405 Worcester, West Plains, MO 65775, about a block southwest of the downtown Court Square. Questions may be directed via email to or by phoning the museum at (417) 256-7801.

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