Woman Arrested In Child Abuse Case After 2-Year-Old Foster Child Dies And 3-Year-Old Foster Child Is Severely Injured

Pulaski County, MO. – A woman was recently arrested in a child abuse case after her 2-year-old foster child died and another 3-year-old foster child was hospitalized from injuries under her care. 26-year-old Alyssa Jackson of St. Robert was charged with one count of 1st degree endangering the welfare of a child resulting in the death of a child, one count of abuse or neglect of a child resulting in the death of a child, one count of abuse or neglect of a child resulting in serious emotional or physical injury, and one count of 1st degree endangering the welfare of a child resulting in serious physical injury. 

According to the probable cause affidavit, the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to a residence after receiving a call of an unconscious, unresponsive 2-year-old girl not breathing on August 13, 2024. Upon arrival, deputies took the female child from Jackson and performed CPR until she was taken to General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital. She was later transferred to Mercy Hospital in Springfield, where she passed from her injuries. During an investigation, a second foster child, a 3-year-old boy, was taken from Jackson and given to another foster family before he was taken to the hospital for injuries sustained, that doctors say look similar to injuries sustained in child abuse cases. 


On August 14, 2024, Jackson’s house was searched and deputies noted that the house was in disarray. They noted human feces on the floor and walls, stained mattresses, dishes piled up in every sink including bathroom sinks, flies throughout the house, molded food on the floors and in the children’s bed, clothes piled on the beds, and a strong smell of mildew and mold. 

Medical records obtained for the 2-year-old victim showed “severe hemorrhagic retina changes, disc and retina edema in both eyes, and findings were consistent with non-accidental trauma.” 

Medical records for the 3-year-old in the hospital show that the victim has severe swelling, bruising, and cuts to his face. He also had broken bones in multiple areas along his spine. All medical personnel were in agreement that these injuries were caused by non-accidental trauma and were consistent with child abuse. 

When confronted with all information provided from the medical records for both foster children, Jackson refused to talk to officials and requested an attorney, ending the interview. She is now being held in the Pulaski County Jail with a bond of $1,000,000 cash or surety.

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