Wood & Huston Bank Joins The Betty White Challenge to Help Animal Rescue Organizations

West Plains, Mo. – Wood & Huston Bank has joined the Betty White Challenge, encouraging people to donate to animal rescues and shelters. 

The late actress Betty White was a lifelong supporter of animal rescue groups. White was a trustee at the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association and created the Betty White Wildlife Fund in 2010, partly in response to the Deep Water Horizon oil disaster and the effect it had on wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico.


Between now and January 17th, on what would have been Betty’s 100th birthday, fans of Betty White are encouraged to make a $5 donation to an animal rescue organization.

If you feel inclined to participate in this challenge and make a donation to one of the following organizations listed below, Wood & Huston Bank will match all donations received up to $500 per facility.:

  • Humane Society of Southeast MO – Cape Girardeau and Jackson
  • Higginsville Animal Control – Higginsville
  • Saline County Animal League – Marshall
  • Animal FAIR (Foundation for Animals In Risk) – Sedalia
  • Rescue One – Springfield
  • West Plains Regional Animal Shelter – West Plains
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