WP Christmas assistance program returns

WEST PLAINS, Mo. — For the 14th year, the West Plains Chamber of Commerce Non-Profit Alliance, in conjunction with Ozark Action, officials with the West Plains R-7 School District, West Plains area rural schools, law enforcement officials, area businesses, and other community groups have joined forces to help those in need during the holiday season.

Christmas can be a difficult time for some citizens who struggle with limited resources. During the holidays those resources can often be spread too thinly.


West Plains area families in need of assistance this year can pick up an application form at the Ozark Action office, 710 East Main Street, West Plains. A committee will then compile a centralized database of those who have applied to prevent duplication of services, and later review each application and then tries to match an appropriate agency or donor with those in need.

Last year, with the help of the agencies involved plus donations from area businesses, individuals, organizations and churches, they were able to serve over 1200 individuals and families.

The deadline to apply is November 29.

The committee is asking for community involvement to help the program be successful. Help can come in the form of donations, a toy drive, or adopting a family to help during Christmas. For planning purposes, donor forms are due no later than December 2.

For a donor application or for more information, call the West Plains Chamber office at 417-256-4433.

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