WP Fire Dept. Fill the Boot on Aug. 28

August 28, 2021 — For 67 year’s firefighters across the nation have collected critical funds in the community – one dollar at a time – as part of the Fill the Boot program. The West Plains Fire Department will be continuing this long-standing tradition as its members kick off the annual Fill the Boot program to raise critical funds to help transform the lives of kids and adults with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related muscle-debilitating diseases. Donations help MDA continue services for more than 250,000 people living with neuromuscular diseases across the country and help continue funding life-saving research.
Dedicated firefighters from West Plains and the surrounding area will hit the streets or storefronts with boots in hand asking pedestrians, motorists, customers, and other passersby to make a donation to MDA on August 28 starting at 0800.
Individuals and local businesses can also support the campaign remotely by texting ‘BOOT’ to 24325 or donating online at https://filltheboot.donordrive.com
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