WPPD Announces Another Rash of Vehicle Burglaries

West Plains, MO. – The West Plains Police Department made an announcement recently regarding a rash of criminal activity once again taking place in the city.

They announce that over the past few days, there have been several reports of vehicle burglaries, and they have asked that individuals remember to keep proper safety protocol in mind when securing their vehicles.

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Remove all valuables from a vehicle or hide them from plain sight when leaving your vehicle. Always lock your car when you exit. Remember to always take your keys with you; never leave them in the vehicle. Park your vehicle in a visible, well-lit area. Lastly, if you see something suspicious, contact your local police department.

As a final statement, the PD issued this: “Criminals look for easy targets. You can make it more difficult for them by following the #9PMRoutine! Many vehicle burglaries, and to a lesser degree, stolen vehicles, occur as a result of vehicles being left unlocked. Criminals walk through neighborhoods, trying vehicle door handles, hoping to find an unlocked vehicle. The best way to prevent vehicle burglaries is to remove all of your valuables, lock your vehicle’s doors upon exiting and take the keys to the vehicle inside your residence. ”

Contact the West Plains PD by dialing (417) 256-2244.

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