WPS remind families that the Free & Reduced Meal Forms provide more than food

West Plains, MO – West Plains Schools want to remind families that completing the free and reduced lunch application does more than qualify students for free meals at school. Returning free & reduced meal forms provides funding to our schools. It gives students and families discounts and reduced fees within the district. It qualifies students for scholarships and financial aid.

  •  Free ACT tests (up to four)
  •  Free college applications at participating schools
  •  Waivers for recreational sports teams
  •  1 free dual credit call from MSU-WP for both spring and fall semesters.

On top of that, the district’s free & reduced participation rate directly affects increased funding for school programs as well as increased opportunities for grants.

Priority Pet Care – Make An Appointment

Forms were sent home with students last week in the West Plains School district, available here or at their school buildings. WPS will enter all completed forms into a local gift card drawing to be given away after Labor Day.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual