WSAC seeking sponsors for upcoming year

WILLOW SPRINGS, Mo. — The Willow Springs Arts Council is looking for sponsors during their annual sponsorship campaign.

This will be the 11th year the WSAC has brought various art and music programs to the community. Since reorganizing in 2008, the WSAC has assisted local theater guilds with productions, conducted art workshops of many varying venues for all ages, sponsored the Southern Ozarks Community Orchestra and the Southern Ozarks Youth Orchestra, provided funding for a book publication, summer art camp for children, and several exhibits featuring local artists.

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Sponsorship letters were recently mailed to past donors. The budget for the 2019-20 year is $18,955, or roughly $5500 after accounting for expected event revenue. There is no minimum donation level, however, sponsorship levels range from $49 to $200 and above.

To honor donors, the WSAC has created a “Sponsorship Tree” on the second floor of the Ferguson Building. Donors of $100 or more are recognized with a brass name tag hanging on the tree.

Checks can be made out to the Willow Springs Arts Council and mailed c/o Rebecca Cash, 979 Hwy HH, Willow Springs, MO 65793. To join or attend a meeting, the Arts Council meets on the fourth Monday of each month upstairs in the Ferguson Building at 5 pm.

For more information visit or find the Willow Springs Arts Council on Facebook.

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