Attorney General Bailey Successfully Drives Child Mutilation Out of Missouri Once and for All

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Just a week before the United States Supreme Court is slated to hear a case on a similar issue, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey landed a huge win following a two-week trial to defend a state law banning child mutilation.

“The Court has left Missouri’s law banning child mutilation in place, a resounding victory for our children. We are the first state in the nation to successfully defend such a law at the trial court level,” said Attorney General Bailey. “I’m extremely proud of the thousands of hours my office put in to shine a light on the lack of evidence supporting these irreversible procedures. We will never stop fighting to ensure Missouri is the safest state in the nation for children.”


The Court’s opinion eviscerated the plaintiffs’ argument, opining that under their line of thinking “Any person – including a minor – would be able to do anything from meth, to ecstasy, to abortion as long as a single medical professional was willing to recommend it.” The Court rightfully noted that “Courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, regularly reject that argument.”

General Bailey has long been a staunch supporter of children’s safety, after he launched the first-of-its-kind investigation into the St. Louis pediatric transgender center in 2023 when a whistleblower came forward with allegations that the center used experimental drugs on children, distributed puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones without individualized assessment, and bullied parents into “consenting” to giving their children life-altering drugs. In a sworn affidavit, the whistleblower says that the actions taken by the Center have led children to attempt suicide and that the Center never discontinued prescribing cross-sex hormones, no matter how much those drugs are harming the child. The whistleblower also has provided documentary evidence that the Center has been unlawfully billing state taxpayers to fund these actions. This whistleblower was vital to Attorney General Bailey’s trial court win today.

The pediatric transgender center ceased providing gender transition interventions to minors in September, mere days after Attorney General Bailey successfully fended off preliminary challenges to SB 49. With this court win, Missouri became the first state in the nation to successfully defend at the trial court level a law banning child mutilation.

He is currently battling in Court to force the clinic to turn over documents. His office is 3/3 in his other lawsuits to force other clinics to comply with his subpoenas.

Today’s court order can be read here.

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