University of Missouri sued over basketball player’s case

COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) — Two women allege in a lawsuit that the University of Missouri mishandled its investigation of former basketball player Terrence Phillips, who was accused of sexual and physical misconduct before he was released from the team in 2018.

In a lawsuit filed Monday in federal court, the two plaintiffs, identified as Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2, sued the university’s Board of Curators, claiming the university didn’t follow its Title IX rules in the investigation of Phillips, The Kansas City Star reported. The plaintiffs are seeking damages and an order that the university to change its Title IX policies.


University of Missouri spokesperson Christian Basi said the school was still reviewing the lawsuit, the Star reported.

Title IX offices investigate reports of sexual discrimination and violence on school campuses.

Missouri’s Title IX office cleared Phillips of rape and stalking allegations but found him responsible for violating two Title IX policies. One involved him pushing an ex-girlfriend in 2016 and the other involved exposing his genitals.

The lawsuit claims the university did not deliver a thorough investigation into Phillips. The women contend the university didn’t communicate with them and took too long to investigate their complaints.

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