Carla Sue Mock was born on January 22, 1962 in Tremont, Illinois to James and Sylvia (Stone)
Ibbotson. She passed away on December 30, 2023. She was 61 years and 11 months old.
She was proceeded in death by her husband Danny Mock and her daughter Tiffany Begeman.
Carla and Danny married on September 21, 2002. They shared 4 children. Tiffany Begeman of
Pekin IL, Sarah Cox, Dakota Ibbotson of Tiskilwa IL, and Destiny Lynch of Lincoln IL. 6 granddaughters, 3
grandsons, and 1 great granddaughter.
Surviving are 3 of her kids, grandchildren, and 1 great granddaughter. Also, surviving are her
siblings, David, Debra, Donna, Sheila, and Steve.
Carla loved sitting in her chair in the morning drinking coffee and watching her hummingbird
feeders. She loved spending time with her grandson Nathan and her pit-bull Stormy.