Elouise (Brill) Updegraff

Mrs. Elouise Updegraff (née Elouise Jean Brill), of Cabool, Missouri, passed away April 2, 2023. She was 101 years of age.

She was born January 4, 1922 to William Bryan and Bessie Scott Brill and grew up in south central Missouri, graduating high school in Mountain Grove in 1939 and then attending what is now Missouri State University in Springfield.


She took the Civil Service Entrance Exam in 1941 and shortly after World War II broke out, she received notification that she had passed the exam, along with instructions to report to Washington, DC, for duty assignment. If she chose not to report for duty, she was told she could never again seek employment with the U.S. government. So she left her job as an elementary school teacher and went to Washington, expecting to stay for the duration of the war, but ended up working for the federal government for more than 50 years.

She began working at the Pentagon for Headquarters, Department of the Army while the Pentagon building was still under construction. During her distinguished career at the Pentagon, she received both the Department of the Army’s Meritorious Civilian Service Medal and the Superior Civilian Service Medal.

In retirement, she lived alone in her country home near Manassas, Virginia, until she was almost 96.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank, and three brothers, Elwyn, Herbert and Nuel. She is survived by a sister, Iolene Hagan; four brothers, Gene, Gerald, Lyle and Dwight; and a host of nieces and nephews and their extended families.

At her request no service will be held. Should someone wish to honor her memory, she suggested they simply do a kind act for another.

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