Ember Rose Guidry-Clark, the precious first born of Logan Payne Clark and Emily Rose Guidry, was born on June 10, 2022, at Ozarks Healthcare, West Plains, Missouri. She entered this life weighing 5lbs 7oz 19” long at 10:15 p.m., nine days before her due date. Ember went to be with the Lord, on June 19, 2022, at her home in Mountain View, Missouri, at 9 days old.
Ember was loved beyond measure and the most cherished little soul. She had the most adorable facial expressions and always had her tongue sticking out and moving. She had alluring red hair and dazzling blue eyes. Ember loved to snuggle and be held. Her eyes were always on the move and were intrigued with objects, from pictures on the wall to the kittens, and ceiling fans. She was aware of everything around her. Ember brought an overabundant joy to all who knew her and even to those who didn’t. She was and will continue to be loved by all.
Ember is survived by her parents, Emily Rose Guidry and Logan Payne Clark of Mountain View, MO; grandparents, Jason and Melissa Guidry of Mountain View, MO, and Cristy Hoisington Clark of Mountain Grove, MO; great-grandparents, Cecil and Bonnie Wilcox of Caulfield, MO, Roy and Sherry Guidry of Mountain View, MO, and Nina and Kenny James of Marshfield, MO; Aunt Ashly Guidry and her daughter (Ember’s cousin), Cynthia Zimmerman of Mountain View, MO; Aunt Ruby Lemon of Bolivar, MO; and many great aunts and uncles, cousins, and so much more. Ember was and is so loved. She is in the Arms of the All-Mighty Father and rejoicing in Heaven.