Gary Lee Pettyjohn was born on 9/18/1950 and departed this life 5/23/2024 at the age of 73 years old. He is survived by his wife Linda Pettyjohn of 53 years of marriage, his daughter, Anicia Wilson, and partner Benny Collins, daughter, Jessica Chester, and husband, Brian Chester and daughter Stephanie Pettyjohn and partner Bobby Robinson. Gary had seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Gary’s grandchildren always said they thought he was the toughest man in Howell & Oregon County. In his younger years, he enjoyed boating, old cars and horses. Many people knew him for his amazing upholstery work he had done for years. He later loved to go camping with his wife, Linda, and collected old signs. He also enjoyed spending time with his family.
Heaven has gained one tough, ornery angel and will forever be greatly missed by his family and friends. This is not goodbye, this is see you later. We love you so much and will hold many, many precious memories in our hearts.
In Loving Memory of Gary Lee Pettyjohn
Always Faithful Memorial Services, West Plains