Lilyann Lee Sartor

Lilyann Lee Sartor, daughter of Gavin Sartor and Tara Franks, was born and carried to Heaven in the arms of Jesus on December 10, 2024.

She is preceded in death by paternal great-grandparents, Wesley Sartor and Patricia Childress; maternal great-grandparents, Charlotte and Lotus Franks, Sr. and Larry Miller, Jr. 

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Lilyann is survived by her parents, Gavin Sartor and Tara Franks; paternal grandparents, Jerry and Crystal Sartor; maternal grandparents, Lotus and Kathy Franks; paternal great-grandparents, George and Merie Hicks and Carol Sartor; maternal great-grandparent, Martha Miller; one brother, Drennan Sartor; two aunts, Rylee Sartor and Kayla Franks; and a multitude of extended family 

Throughout her whole life, she was loved.

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