Valerie Kay Tran

Valerie Kay Tran, 67 years, 5 months, and 26 days old, passed away on September 8, 2024 at Heart of the Ozarks Healthcare in Ava.



Valerie was born March 12, 1957 in West Palm Beach, Florida to Alfred and Margaret (Williams) Lechifflard.  


She was a Christian and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.


Valerie enjoyed doing crafts like plastic canvas.  She also liked ceramic chickens and all puzzles.  She loved her family and loved helping people.


Valerie was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Johnny Lechifflard, and three nephews, Aaron Lechifflard, Mark Richardson, and Kevin Richardson.


Valerie is survived by her three children and their spouses, Thomas and Lula Tran, Theresa and Carlos Nieles, and Victoria and Mathew Spencer; six grandchildren, Kathryn Roberts, Morgen Mossey, Kurtis Mossey, Seth Tran, Aiden Tran, and Elijah Tran; one brother and his wife, Lynn and Patty Lechifflard; two sisters, Peggy Richardson and Joanne Lechifflard; niece, Jody Lechifflard; four nephews, Riley Romines, Matthew Richardson, Michael Dowling, and Alex Lechifflard; and many other relatives and friends.  


A Memorial Service for Valerie will be Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM in the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints in Ava, Missouri. Cremation services for Valerie are being conducted by Clinkingbeard Funeral Home, Ava, MO.  

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