WEST PLAINS, Mo. — A Pomona resident suffered minor injuries Wednesday after the pickup truck she was driving failed to negotiate a curve, ran off-road and hit a tree.
17-year-old Madison Noakes was taken from the scene of the 9:30...
THAYER, Mo. — A Thayer woman was seriously injured Wednesday afternoon after a one-vehicle accident near Thayer.
A report from the Highway Patrol states 82-year-old Alpha Melott was taken from the scene of the 4:30 pm accident to Cox South...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The Ozark Radio Network and the Better Business Bureau of Southwest Missouri have joined together to offer consumer safety tips, alerts, and warnings in a weekly segment called the BBB Break.
News Director Ed Button spoke with...
WEST PLAINS, Mo. — The West Plains School District has offered the science-centric curriculum Project Lead The Way for nearly a decade, and hosted a tour date for area school districts and educators on Wednesday so they can see...
WEST PLAINS, Mo. — Area residents interested in taking classes during the 2020 spring semester at Missouri State University-West Plains now can browse through a list of courses online.
Over 350 classes will be offered during the spring semester. Courses...
WEST PLAINS, Mo. — The Amelia Network, a female-oriented business network, is meeting this Thursday evening, October 24 from 5:15-6:15 pm.
The topic is Becoming Financially "Fit"-ded to Thursday, and will cover the parallels of physical fitness and financial strength....
WILLOW SPRINGS, Mo. — The Willow Springs Arts Council will be sponsoring an art and craft fair on November 2 from 10 am to 4 pm on the second floor of the Ferguson Building, 127 E. Main St in...
WEST PLAINS, Mo. — West Plains High School will host a Veterans Day assembly at 8:30 am on November 11.
All area veterans are invited to attend the assembly, and are also invited to a special breakfast beginning at 7:30...
Susan Calhoun Ava
Kent Tipton
Dee Rothermich 69 Pomona (from Grandkids)
Laura Friga Pomona
Cassie Winterburg WP