Senior Spotlight: Haley Mayfield-West Plains High School

Haley Mayfield is a senior at West Plains High School. Haley has many accomplishments at West Plains High. Haley has earned a Four-year Academic pin for GPA, BETA award for most community service hours, Four-year perfect attendance, First place State award in group portfolio at the BETA convention 2019. Haley was Home Coming Attendant her junior year and was crowned Mid Winter Queen her senior year. She has been selected for internship with Director of Communications & Community Relations – Lana Snodgras.

Haley has numerous extra curricular achievements being a four-year member of BETA club, Beta council member in her junior and senior year, a two-year member of the schools National Honors Society [NHS], a one-year member of the West Plains Prom Committee, a four-year member of Track and Field as manager. Haley was also a two-year member of the school yearbook, and was Editor and Chief her senior year. She was a two-year member of the schools newspaper, and the Ads and Business Manager senior year.


Haley plans to attend Missouri State University – West Plains in the fall.

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