2022 Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Bass Tournament Results

1st Place


2022 Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Bass Tournament 1st Place winners was a Father/Son team, Rick Schemeski and Jason Schmeski, Mtn. Home, Arkansas weighing in 5 fish with a total weight of 17.32 lbs. They won a new BassCat Bobcat Boat & Trailer donated by BassCat Boat, Mtn. Home, Arkansas. They also was the winners of the 2nd Big Bass contest weighting in 5.06 lbs and winning $260

Pictured is Dan Singletary, Tournament Director, Rick Schmeski, Jason Schmeski and Rick Pierce, BassCat Boats

2nd Place

2022 Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Bass Tournament 2nd Place winners was a Father/Son team Greg & Eli Cotter, Caulfield, Missouri, weighing in a total of 5 fish with a total weight of 16.74 lbs. Eli said, “his dad was a great net man.” They won $800

Pictured is Greg Cotter, Chad Bleeker, Eli Cotter and Dan Singletary, Tournament Director

3rd Place

2022 Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Bass Tournament 3rd Place winners were Brian Crecelius and Kevin Roach, Mtn. Home, Arkansas weighing in a total of 5 fish with a total weight of 16.12 lbs and winning $500.

1st Place Big Bass

2022 Cystic Fibrosis Benefit Bass Tournament 1st Place Big Bass winners the team of Trey Anderson, Mtn. Home, Arkansas and Eli Powers, Yellville, Arkansas. Their Big Bass weighted in at 5.16 lbs and winning them $770.

Pictured is Eli Powers holding the Big Bass.


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