WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Helping babies by participating in a diaper drive can be part of the fun for fans attending the Jan. 22 Grizzly Basketball home game against Region 16 rival Moberly Area Community College.
The game will tip off at 7 p.m. in Joe Paul Evans Arena at the West Plains Civic Center.
Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP) officials will offer a free ticket to the game for each package of disposable baby diapers brought to the game. Season ticket holders can earn a ticket for a friend or show their support for the drive by bringing diapers to give to this worthwhile local cause, university officials said.
In addition, a “Change for a Change” cash donation collection will take place at halftime when members of the Grizzly Cheer Team pass collection cans through the stands, organizers said.
All diapers and cash donations made at the game will be given to the Focus on Babies Diaper Resource Center (DRC) in West Plains. The DRC is a diaper bank that functions as a store house for diapers, like food banks do for food. Diaper banks rely on members of the community, churches and other organizations to hold diaper drives and diaper showers, and for individuals and businesses to provide monetary and in-kind donations to sustain their supply, officials said.
DRC organizers said their stated mission is “to furnish local distributing agencies with diapers for at-risk, early childhood youth to enhance the families’ resources and improve their well-being.” Current distributing agencies include:
- His Place House of Worship Diaper Ministry
- Martha Vance Samaritan Outreach Center
- Christos House Domestic Violence Shelter and Outreach
Diapers also are provided to qualified clients of the Howell County Health Department, 37th District Office of Childrens Services and the Chaos Closet. Individuals with needs should contact those agencies directly with inquiries.
Donations of disposable diapers also can be dropped off at Ozark Action, Inc. (OAI), 710 E. Main St., in West Plains between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays throughout the year. OAI provides the warehouse space for collected diapers.
Fiscal management, allowing for financial contributions to be tax deductible, is provided by the Community Interagency Council.
For more information about the Diaper Resource Center, email diaperresourcecenter@gmail.com or call 417-256-6147. Check the “Diaper Resource Center-West Plains” Facebook page for updates.
Missouri State University-West Plains empowers students to achieve personal success and to enrich their local and global communities by providing accessible, affordable and quality educational opportunities. Missouri State-West Plains offers associate degrees and credit and non-credit courses, and serves as a delivery site for bachelor’s and master’s degrees offered by Missouri State University in Springfield.