Boys WS Bears fall to Greenwood Blue Jays 62-51

The Willow Springs Bears faced down the Greenwood Blue Jays at their home court in Willow. The Bears were hoping to break their 6-game streak of losses.

The first half showed an amazing effort by the Bears to keep up with the well put together Greenwood Blue Jays. Their efforts paid off as Willow gained the lead on Greenwood with a halftime score of 30-26.


The second half showed the Bears fighting to maintain the lead that they gained from their first half of play. They focused hard on defense making sure the Blue Jays got no easy points. The fourth quarter didn’t prove to be nice to the Bears as they fell behind.

The Willow Springs bears fought hard against the Greenwood Blue Jays but unfortunately just couldn’t quite keep up and ended up falling with a final score of 51-62.


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