The Liberty Eagles had a face-off against the Ava Bears tonight, and quarter one was a show of defense for both sides. Liberty managed to score an early touchdown without an extra point, but that was the one and only score of the quarter. A few fumbles from Ava gave Liberty a few close calls for stealing, until they managed to successfully claim the ball the third time, just at the end of the quarter. The second quarter showed to be fairly slow as well, both teams playing a good defensive game. The second quarter ended with only one more score on the board, Liberty: 12, Ava: 0.
The Third Quarter saw the shut-out game continue, with Liberty taking their shut down of the enemy defense heat up. Liberty managed multiple possessions against Ava throughout. Another score from Liberty made it onto the board, bringing the third to an ending score of 19-0. The fourth and Final Quarter the Eagles completely broke the defense of the Bears. Scores began tumbling in, and Liberty maintained their lead to the end. The game ended with a clear winner: Liberty 32, Ava 0.