Ed & Judy North Golf Classic results

30 teams Entered the 1st Annual Ed & Judy North Golf Classic everyone had a fantastic time. We also would like to thank Lisa North and her team for all there efforts on making the tournament a huge success.

The winners of the championship flight were:

Ozarks Healthcare Dinner

  1. White / Haynes  score of 52
  2. Tune / Shelton score of 59
  3. Stones /Ames score of 62

The winners of A Flight were:

  1. Williams / Williams score of 70
  2. Kelleher / Eugene score of 70
  3. Logue / Logue score of 70

Want to thank all the players for supporting the Ed & Judy Golf Classic

And look forward to seeing them next year where we hope for a Bigger Turnout.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual