Garylee has sports

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Last night the Cardinals finished a three-game series with the Miami Marlins with more here is your redbird recap.

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Cardinals have the day off today before taking on Philadelphia Phillies Friday night.



On Aug 6th at the West Plains Sports complex Jackie Stiles will host a basketball camp for 2nd graders through 7th grade boys and girls, the cost is 75 dollars and for more information contact Ashley Hart at 417-274-2017 or GARNERASH@YAHOO.COM


They WPCC 4 Ball Entry is now open. Limited to first 100 teams. Entry payment must be received by June 30th. Nonpayment will result in releasing the spot to another team. Entry and payment information listed on the flier. You must reserve and pre-pay your rental cart and fees with the entry payment. AM/PM requests on Saturday cannot be guaranteed. Enter soon! Call the Golf Shop with questions. Thank you! (417) 257-2726



The Willow Springs Men’s Golf League will start at 530pm with a tee time of 6pm, today the league will continue to be a two-person 9-hole scramble, Members and nonmembers are welcome to play in the Thursday night men’s league at Willow Springs.


Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual