Garylee has sports with a hole in-one


MSU-WP recently was awarded a $2,000 grant from the NJCAA Foundation to support the launch of Grizzly Baseball during the 2024-2025 academic year. The funds were awarded through the NJCAA Sport Opportunity Grant, which was established in 2021 to help two-year colleges expand their sport offerings in an effort to increase student-athlete access to and achievement in higher education. Funds are awarded based on need and allotted funding, foundation officials said.




Thursday during cat and dog league at Mountain View Municipal golf course Gary Smith aced a hole in one on #14 This was Gary’s 6th ever hole in one!


The STL Cardinals wrapped up a 3-game set with the Giants Sunday with more here is your redbird recap.


All the Cardinal games air on KUKU 100.3 and News Talk Radio KWPM.


Redwings Volleyball Camp Monday and Tuesday July 8th and 9th at Eminence High School Gym Pre K and Kindergarten 830 to 930 in the morning, 1st through 4th grade 10am to noon and 5th through 8th grade 1 to 3pm this camp is available to girls from any school to register or for more information call Abby Brewer at 573-351-8787.


Friday July 26th will be the ORN Cares Give Local First 2 person 18 hole golf scramble to be held at North Terra Golf Course in West Plains there will be two tee times 8am and 1pm you may play in both but with a different partner a sign up sheet is at North Terra Golf Course. Cash payout and cash for hole prizes.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual