Garylee has sports with Cardinal recap

The STL Cardinals played Sunday and with more here is your redbird recap.



Listen to all the Cardinal games on KUKU 100.3 and News Talk Radio KWPM.


August 23rd Mountain Grove Panthers will host a football Jamboree that will start at 6pm. The teams competing will be Willow Springs, Thayer and Houston along with Mountain Grove. Salem Tigers will take part in the Sullivan Jamboree on the 23rd  with St James and Cuba. Liberty will head to the Sarcoxie jamboree on the 23rd. Lamar, Seneca, and Webb City are at Joplin on the 23rd.


Mountain Grove School District is excited to announce two new upgrades to their athletic facilities the Mtn Grove Panthers have a newly redesigned gym floor in their Arena, and a new video scoreboard for the track & football field. A big thanks to Dick Wilson for his generous donation of the scoreboard!


Celebrate the Grand Opening of West Plains R-VII School District Zizzer Ballpark Tuesday, September 17 At 4:15 PM Be there for: West Plains Chamber of Commerce Ribbon-cutting Ceremony The first softball game played at the park against Rogersville Free Commemorative Zizzer gifts Hot dogs Live performances by the Zizzer Pride Band, including our fight song and many more! We invite you to join us for this exciting event. See you at the ballpark.



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