Garylee has sports with Liberty and West Plains Trap teams

Congratulations to the Liberty Eagles trap team #1. They took 3rd place at the National Trap Shoot (FFA division) in Sparta, Illinois! We would also like to congratulate West Plains FFA for ranking 1st and 2nd overall in the FFA division.



The STL Cardinals were in action last night hosting the Mets with more here is your redbird recap.


You can catch all the Cardinal games on KUKU 100.3 and News Talk Radio KWPM.


West Plains Zizzer Quarterback Club has a huge event coming up on Friday August 16th. Eric Judd former Zizzer and Quarterback club member tells us a little about what the QB club helps with.


Zizzer Quarterback Club Annual Football dinner and auction Friday August 16th at middle school Fema Shelter 6pm doors open at 530, Eric Judd tells us a little bit about what you can expect to see and where the money raised will go towards.


Ashley Cooley West Plains schools A/D shares how you can purchase a ticket or table or maybe even donate an item for the auction.


West Plains Zizzer Quarterback Club Annual Football dinner and auction Friday August 16th at middle school Fema Shelter 6pm doors open at 530 pulled pork dinner with all the sides, silent and live auction.


Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual