The Cardinals were off on Monday to get ready for a huge 3-game series with the Brewers with more here is your redbird update.
You can hear the Cardinals on KUKU 100.3 and News Talk Radio KWPM.
The 4th annual Jim Jones Individual golf tournament at the Thomas F Benyo Municipal golf course in Willow Springs will be Saturday Sept 7th with a tee time of 11am. Cash payout, closest to the pin on all par 3’s is 100 bucks and longest putt wins a new putter. To sign up call Len jones at 417-293-9555 or Willow Springs City Hall at 417-469-2107.
Celebrate the Grand Opening of West Plains R-VII School District Zizzer Ballpark Tuesday, September 17 At 4:15 PM Be there for: West Plains Chamber of Commerce Ribbon-cutting Ceremony The first softball game played at the park against Rogersville Free Commemorative Zizzer gifts Hot dogs Live performances by the Zizzer Pride Band, including our fight song and many more! We invite you to join us for this exciting event. See you at the ballpark.
You will get to vote in November if Missouri legalizes sports betting after our pro teams led by Bill DeWitt and the Cardinals got enough signatures to get it on the ballot.