Garylee has your sports update

The Njcaa National tournament is down to the final four Harlan Hutchison has more.



It’s the 8th annual Thomas F. Benyo Masters Memorial 18 hole golf tournament April 15th at the Willow Springs Thomas F. Benyo Municipal Golf Course in Willow Springs tee time of 11am 2 person scramble $40.00 per player or $80.00 per team to sign up call 417-469-1214 or there is a sign up sheet at the golf course.


32nd Annual Buddy Bass Tournament benefitting Friends of Horseshoe Bend Animals that is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) animal welfare organization located in north central Arkansas. April 1, 2023
Lake North Fork Panther Bay, launch 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
Take off will be by date entry was received. Will take entries morning of the tournament beginning at 5:00 am Entry Fee $100.00 per 2 man boat Big Bass is included in the entry. Guaranteed 1st place – $1000.00
2nd place $ 500.00 3rd place $ 250.00 Door prize drawings after tournament.…/1TwnobfklZ2u9E0A6cz6w…/edit…


The STL Cardinals took on the Yankees yesterday with more here is your redbird recap.


The Cardinals take on the Nationals today at 5pm all on KUKU 100.3.


All Golf Leagues at the Willow Springs Thomas F Benyo Municipal Golf Course will all start the week of April 17th Church Monday at 530pm, Cat & Dogs Tuesday at 530pm and Men’s League is played on Thursday 530pm everyone is welcome to play in the leagues nonmember will play an extra $5 dollars on top of the league fee.


Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual