Garylee has your sports update

The STL Cardinals wrapped up their four-game series with the Reds yesterday afternoon with more here is your redbird recap.



Tonight, the Cardinals open a three-game series at Cleveland against the Guardians pregame starts at 515 and the first pitch will be thrown at 6pm all on KUKU 100.3 and News Talk Radio KWPM.


TCMH Healthcare Foundation 17th Annual Charitable Golf Tournament will take place Saturday June 10th it’s a 2 person 18 hole scramble with two tee times 8am or 1pm cost is $120 per team, for more information or to sign a team up you may call 417-967-1377.


Jay Spoonhour, the son of former Bears head men’s basketball coach Charlie Spoonhour a MSU icon, will be hired as an assistant coach under Dana Ford at Missouri State.


Former West Plains graduate Jacob Womack is joining the Zizzer coaching staff Coach Womack has been coaching and teaching in Springfield and will be added as the zizzer JV/Assistant Boys Basketball coach along with Assistant Football Coach and the Study Skills teacher at the High School.



This Saturday There is a 3-person 18-hole scramble at North Terra Golf course in West Plains. The tournament is being put on by the West Plains Sunrise Rotary Club. You can sign your team up at North Terra Golf course that is located out BB HWY in West Plains just one tee time and it’s 10am.


Willow Springs Thomas F Benyo Municipal Golf course will have a 2 person 18 scramble on Memorial Day Noon tee time 10 dollars for members each and 20 dollars for nonmembers each, sign up at the pro shop or show up early and sign up.

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual