Grizzly eSports continues to score wins in 2nd week of season

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – The Missouri State University-West Plains (MSU-WP) Grizzly eSports program upped its record to 10-7 in action during the second week of the spring season, Feb. 20-24.

The Grizzlies started the week off with a 3-0 sweep against State Technical College of Missouri in Linn in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. In Round 1: Hardpoint, the Grizzlies won 250-25. In Round 2: Search and Destroy, they picked up a 6-0 win. In Round 3: Control, they won 3-0.


In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Grizzlies Julian Proctor of Roach and Summer Gabriel of West Plains both lost 0-3 against their opponents from Southern Illinois College in Harrisburg, but Zahren Whited, West Plains, won a 3-0 decision over his opponent from Suffolk County Community College in Selden, New York. “The opponent tried various characters, but none of them could overcome Zahren’s mastery of King K. Rool,” Grizzly eSports Head Coach Alex Pinnon said.

In Hearthstone, Jessica Belcher, West Plains, fell to her opponent from Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio.

In the NJCAAE’s Invitational League competition for Call of Duty: Warzone, Grizzlies Brock DeWeese, West Plains, and Spencer Spreutels, Koshkonong, defeated Tallahassee (Florida) Community College 2-1. In their final round, they beat the Eagles 16-2.

Grizzly Dustin Johnson, Ava, lost his first Invitational League Mario Kart game of the season to his rival from Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs 1-4. “Dustin has played Roadkill four times since the fall season, and Dustin has won two and Roadkill has won two,” Pinnon said.

Grizzly Abe Kahn’s Invitational League Mario Kart game was postponed until 7:30 p.m. March 2. Kahn is from West Plains.

In Overwatch 2, the Grizzlies dominated State University of New York-Corning in a 3-0 sweep. “The team was especially proud of this win since they spent the day studying opponent game film and prepping strategies,” Pinnon said. “This game puts the Grizzlies firmly into first place in their division.”

Grizzly fans can watch their favorite players compete in their favorite online games through the team’s Twitch account, Twitch.TV/WPGrizzlies.

For more information about the Grizzly eSports program, follow the team’s Facebook page,, or visit the team’s website,

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