Lady Zizzer Soccer will kick off its 2023 season on Monday

Standing back row: Head Coach Amy Lipford, Shelby Hutchings, McKrae Brewer, Baseba Gerezgehir, Brixey Adams, Macie Doss, Mia Thomas, Kylie Wycoff, Libby Liimatta, Sidney Harrison, and Assistant Coach Cassidy Lapham. Middle Row: (left to right) Lexus Casey. Torri Lipford, Bella Ovalle, Baleigh Miller, Kennedi Keller, Emma Worsham, and Maggie Viers.



Front Row: (left to right) Marley Dupler, Virginia Atkins, Jewelia Willard, Maren Thompson, Eden Hugg, Taylor Lawrence, Gloria Martinez, Aubree Hugg, and Caroline Dietrich. (Not Pictured: Adie Dupler)

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual