Liberators Zapped – Zizzers Win 56 to 7

The first part of the game saw a lot of back and forth between both teams, with both sides showing their desire to take the lead. This would lead to West Plains making a touchdown however, taking the first lead. This seemed to have put Bolivar on tilt, because shortly thereafter the Zizzers managed to intercept the ball two different times afterwards, and leading to two more scores with successful 1 point kicks. The Zizzers continued to press that weakness leading to Q1 ending Zizzers leading 28 to 0. The second quarter saw the Zizzers take control of the ball to the point of domination, leading to three more scores. Toward the end of the second quarter, two players, one from each side had to be side-lined. This led to a player from Bolivar being removed from the game. The second quarter came to a close with a drastic score comparison of 49 to 0, favoring the Zizzers.

The second half saw the turbo clock kicking in, but the Liberators making a better show of competition. Neither side scored through the third quarter, maintaining the score at 49 to 0 as we entered the fourth and final quarter of the game. In the final part of the game, Bolivar managed to get on the board, making their static 0 a 7. The Zizzers managed another score right before the end. The games final score ended with the Zizzers winning with a substantial lead, 56 to 7.


Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual