Liberty High School is accepting applications once again for a Head Football coaching position

Liberty High School is accepting applications once again for a Head Football coaching position. Unfortunately some health issues have come up that will not allow Mr. Dan Davis to fulfill the coaching/teaching position. Any interested/qualified applicants can email Mr. Daniels ( or Mr. Marriott ( or call the school at 417-934-2020. Following is a message from Coach Davis to the students and community.

Liberty High School is also accepting applications for an 11th grade Government teaching position.


To the Liberty HS community,

I recently resigned my newly appointed position at LHS due to recent issues/complications with my health that will not allow me to perform my duties of teacher and head coach. These issues can be corrected, but not in time for me to serve LHS in the manner that they need be. I am terribly disappointed as I was looking so forward to being a part of the LHS and Mountain View/Birch Tree communities. I am most disappointed at letting down the student-athletes and administration and putting them in this situation with so short of time before this season begins. I want to wish Liberty the best of luck moving forward.

Dan Davis

Wood & Huston – 2025 Annual