Maycie Taylor, Galena Junior High School “The impact school activities/athletics have on the schools and the larger community in times of uncertainty”

Maycie Taylor, Galena Junior High School.

We are the champions! Why do people who play sports feel like champions? In fact, school
sports have been proven to deliver consistently higher grades and better behavior in the classroom.
Sports do not only help with the wellness of ones body, but, mostly, they are good for the strength of
the heart and soul. Most people see sports as a necessary concept they cannot live without. Sports not
only allow athletes to grow in their sport but also in the school and community. The impact that school
athletics has on the school and the larger community during times of uncertainty is it gives a sense of
belonging, encourages academic achievement, and creates new or stronger friendships.
Furthermore, the impact school athletics have on the school or larger community is a sense of
belonging. A person can portray different values of belonging. Belonging allows one to have a
connection to ta place, group, or sport. That connection to a sport gives them a place where they can
thrive. If a person is shy but athletic they can try out for a sport and learn that they love it. They do not
have to be shy on the court, they can get loud and aggressive without worrying about embarrassment.
For that hour or so that they are on the court, they can forget who they are and belong in their sport.
Not only can school athletics give a sense of belonging, but they can encourage academic achievement.
Equally important, the impact school athletics have on the school or the larger community is
encouraging academic achievement. Students should be proud of their achievements academically;
although, some might get burnt out and not feel as passionate about school anymore. While playing
sports, students are told to keep passing grades or be suspended from the sport which is encouraging
studentathletes to keep up their grades to be able to play. Speaking from experience, sports keep
students motivated and passionate about school when a person has a loss of motivation. The love
athletes have for their sport keeps them connected academically. In addition to improving their
academic performance, sports can help build friendships.
Therefore, the impact school athletics have on the school or larger community is creating new
or stronger friendships. There is a quote that states, We are not a team because we work together. We
are a team because we respect, trust and care for each other. That mutual respect is the stem of a
growing relationship with your teammates. The more time a person spends with teammates, they start
developing care and trust for each other. Friendships are an important part of the school. In some cases,
a person might not have a lot of friends because they are scared to put themselves out there. The
moment they join a sports team they gain a second family. Participating in sports can have many
positive impacts on students.
In conclusion, sports can open a persons heart to many different opportunities such as great
achievements academically, creating new friendships, and feeling a sense of belonging. While people
have different levels of belonging, the one that feels the best is belonging in a sport. Belonging in a sport
pushes a student academically. Anyone can do well in school, but it takes the right motivation to get
there; sports keep the motivation coming! Another way to motivate is with friends. Friendships through
sports are the best kind because athletes share the same passion for the sport. They get to have a
second family. Sports are a very important part of life. Without sports, people would be at a loss of
fundamental skills.


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