Mizzou Athletics Unveils Digital Ticketing at Several Athletic Venues

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Mizzou Athletics is excited to announce that ticketing for home football, men’s basketball and women’s basketball games will fully transition to a digital system starting this fall. The new model stresses the importance of safety, ease and convenience as the Mobile Entry procedures will cut down on hand-to-hand contact, limit time spent entering Mizzou’s venues and provide a more secure way for fans to hold onto their tickets on game day.

While ticket purchasers will no longer have the option to print their tickets at home, the new digital system will provide an efficient and secure delivery system of season, mini-plan and single-game tickets via smartphones and the Mizzou Tigers app. Fans who do not have access to a smartphone will be able to work with the Mizzou Athletics Ticket Office on alternate delivery method for their tickets.


“There are going to be several challenges as athletics venues across the nation begin to open following the COVID-19 pandemic, and as a department, we will continue to stress the fan experience and safety at all of our events, and digital ticketing will play a key role in both of those areas moving forward,” Mizzou Director of Athletics Jim Sterk said. “The convenience of digital ticketing is something I know our fans have been intrigued by for a long time, and that was confirmed during the focus groups we held as part of the decision-making process.

“Nearly 30 percent of all fans entering Mizzou Football games in 2019, including 99.5 percent of our students, successfully used a mobile device for entry,” he added. “In addition, this move will also provide a significant financial savings to the department during these challenging times we are in. When you put it all together, we believe this move is right for Mizzou Athletics and its fans at this time.”

The digital ticketing system through Mizzou’s athletic ticket partner Ticketmaster, will help to limit physical touching between fans and event staff members on game day. Also, with tickets now being delivered on a mobile device, digital ticketing will reduce the issues with the traditional paper tickets, such as theft, lost tickets and shipping delays, along with the need for an early confirmation of a shipping address.

Another added benefit to the digital ticket model is the ease of transfer of digital tickets, which can be done through any mobile device, safely and securely. Additionally, customers will still be able to post their tickets for sale to Ticketmaster.com, the Official Secondary Marketplace of Mizzou Athletics, right from their account if desired.

In addition, several schools within the SEC are expected to make the transition to all digital ticketing this fall, while Power 5 schools such as Ohio State and Oklahoma have already made the announcement to move in that direction. Most professional sports franchises, including the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, have already migrated their ticketing to the digital space.

For additional information, contact the Mizzou Athletics Ticket Office at 1-800-CAT-PAWS or tickets@missouri.edu.

Mizzou Athletics Digital Ticketing Q&A

Note:  This page will be updated with additional information closer to the start of the fall season, and all season ticket holders will receive detailed instructions for downloading their tickets in advance of the Sept. 5 season opener against Central Arkansas. In addition, Mizzou Athletics will develop an on-line instructional video to guide Tiger fans through the process.

Why is Mizzou Athletics moving to a digital ticketing delivery system?
Digital tickets will provide a secure and contactless environment for our fans while also providing:

  • Fast and easy entry to all Mizzou Athletics venues using your mobile phone or smart device
  • Instant access to your season tickets through the Mizzou Athletics app after they are loaded into your Mizzou TicketMaster account (two weeks prior to season’s first home event)
  • The ability to manage, transfer and sell tickets at any time
  • Reduced risk of lost, stolen, counterfeit or forgotten tickets
  • Financial savings to the athletics department in a challenging climate by eliminating printed tickets

Did Mizzou Athletics survey any of its fans before making this decision?
Yes, the TSF staff conducted zoom meetings with our fans, and they were supportive of making the move to digital tickets.

How will the mobile ticket delivery work?
Starting this fall, Mizzou Athletics will no longer print and mail game tickets to fans or offer a printable PDF option. This decision was made to move to a contactless entry for the safety of our fans, while also protecting fans tickets from fraud and counterfeit problems that have accompanied PDF print at home tickets in previous years.

Printed PDF tickets WILL NOT be accepted at any Mizzou Athletics venues for admittance. Beginning this year, all tickets will be fully digital and accessible only via your mobile device. In short, your phone is your game ticket to watch the Tigers!

Where can I download the Mizzou Athletics app at?
Fans can download the Mizzou Athletics app free of charge from the App Store or Google Play. The app is a great source of information on all your favorite Mizzou teams, as well as your ticket into the game!

Will parking passes be affected by Mizzou’s move to digital ticketing?
No. Mizzou Athletics will continue to print and mail you your parking passes as in past years.

What if my friend(s) and I arrive to the game at different times?
As in past years, each person entering the game will need a ticket to get in. You can transfer tickets to each member of your party individually prior to your arrival.

What if my smartphone or phone battery dies on game day?
Fans can go to our Memorial Stadium ticket resolution windows, at Gate 1, as well as the main box office at Mizzou Arena for assistance. Mobile help desks will also be available on each side of Memorial Stadium to assist fans on game day. Additional information will be sent to ticket holders in advance of the game to handle issues such as this.

May I have multiple tickets on one phone?
Yes, you will have the ability to swipe through multiple tickets on your phone. However, we recommend transferring each person their ticket in case you wish to enter the facility at separate times.

May I transfer my tickets more than one time?
No. Tickets may only be transferred once, however, a transfer may be cancelled before it is completed.

Will I receive an email receipt that my transfer has been initiated and also when the tickets are received?
Yes, you will receive confirmation via email that the transfer has been completed.

May I use digital tickets if I do not have smartphone?
No. We recommend contacting the Mizzou Athletics Ticket Office to make arrangements ahead of time as you will not be able to use the digital ticket option on game day without a smartphone.

Can digital tickets be downloaded onto my desktop computer?
No. A barcode transferred to paper is not accepted at entry. Mobile tickets on a mobile device are the only acceptable tickets for entry into the game.

Is there in-venue Wi-Fi so I can download my tickets at the game?
Our venues are equipped with Wi-Fi, however, to guarantee a smooth entry, we recommend downloading your tickets prior to arriving at the venue. They can be saved directly to the Mizzou Athletics app, Apple Wallet or Google Pay Wallet.

Does a season ticket holder with a current online TicketMaster account have to create another one to access their tickets on the Mizzou App?
No, please use your current Mizzou TicketMaster account, otherwise your season tickets will not be on the account.

Who do I contact if I need additional assistance or have questions not answered above?
For further assistance, please contact the Mizzou Athletics Ticket Office at 1-800-CAT-PAWS.

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